Special Occasions

Birthdays, Graduation, Reunions, Proposals, Baby Dedications and more!

Some gifts are created to touch the heart in the most unique way. We provide custom poetry for birthdays, graduations, reunions, proposals, baby dedications and more! An audio recording of the poem can be presented as a gift to the honoree or incorporated as an audio tribute. In-person performance options are subject to availability. For additional details give us a call today! 404-931-4940

3 Step Process and Pricelist

Step 1

Discovery Call (20 mins)


When it comes to creating a personalized poetic experience, we strive to make sure every poem is written with your sentiments in mind. During the discovery call we will gather information for the creative writing process. It’s imperative that we speak with someone who is knowledgeable of occasion and/or honoree. You will be asked key questions which will allow us to create a poem that is both personal and sincere. Sharing memories, milestone moments and attributes will ensure the poem reflects the beautiful story you want to share.

Step 2

Creation and Review

A personalized poem will be created with your sentiments in mind. All details will reflect the information shared during the discovery call. Your poem will be finalized and ready for review prior to recording. The review process allows you to hear the poem over the phone and provide feedback if you wish to change or add specific details. Note: The review process is optional. You must specify during the Discovery Call if you would like this option

Step 3

Audio Recording and Delivery

An audio recording of your personalized poem will be completed at a recording studio. A copy of the audio file will be provided on a USB to the point of contact. All creative rights for each personalized poem are released to the designated point of contact for personal use.

Call for details!

Total Cost


All creative rights for each personalized poem are released to the designated point of contact for personal use.